Photography Services
Professional Profile Services
If needing a professional profile photo for a business, portfolio, resume, social media, etc.
Provided from service:
Number of Photos: Unlimited
Duration: 30 minutes to an hour
Starting Prices:
One Person - $100
Two People - $150
Family Portraits - $300
Addition charges apply for added effects to photos
Professional Cosplay Services
If needing Cosplay photos for personal portfolio during a cosplay event or either at a specific location
Provided from service:
Number of Photos: Unlimited
Duration: 30 minutes to an hour
Starting Prices:
As low as $25
If attending any event that is listed from “Planned Conventions”, please contact and we’ll schedule a time to meet.
Professional Event Services
If needing a series of photos during an event to promote for future events or to update website.
Provided from service:
Number of Photos: Unlimited
Duration: Duration of event
Starting Prices:
As low as $200
Other type of Photography
If you have a project that need a photographer that is not listed’
Provided from service:
Number of Photos: To be determined
Duration: To be determined
Starting Prices:
Price will vary depending on the project